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Hello! I’m a bdeshi and this is my place to dump words.

Okay, I’m actu­al­ly a Bangladeshi human (prob­a­bly) 😅. I code in python, run Archlinux, play with appli­ca­tion servers, and spend most of the rest of my time plan­ning big projects and putting them in the backlog.

My inter­est now lies large­ly in back­end devel­op­ment, API inter­gra­tion, sys­tem automa­tion, serv­er man­age­ment, devops etc1.

I’m try­ing to write tid­bits about code, pro­grams, inter­net, pix­el art, lit­er­a­ture, and oth­er ran­dom stuff.

- bdeshi, 14 February 2020

Why this domain? Why that nickname?

There’s no big secret here. I chose the nick bdeshi a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It went like this: I’m Bangladeshi → Bangladeshi → BDeshi → bdeshi. Also, the word “bideshi” means for­eign­er in Bangla. As is tra­di­tion­al for pro­fes­sion­al extreme intro­verts, I feel like a stranger even among most of my own people 😅.

This site is my place to post my blog and ran­dom per­os­nal works. Also, I run a bunch of ser­vices for per­son­al use on dif­fer­ent sub­do­mains here. In oth­er words, this is my space, so bdeshi’s space → bdeshi​.space. You see, a lot of care­ful thought went into choos­ing this domain.

Nah, actu­al­ly the .space tld was cheap­est when I way look­ing to get a domain! 😁

What’s the site made of?

This site is cur­rent­ly:
con­jured with Jekyll, and host­ed on Github.
made with Bashblog-ng. no option for com­ments, if you have com­ments, mail me.
gen­er­at­ed with Hugo, with the Enigmo theme (a fork of Minimo). Utterances allows com­ments via Github issues.
built with Lektor, with cus­tomiza­tions over the default con­fig­u­ra­tion.
pro­duced with Pelican, and com­ments are man­aged by a self-host­ed Isso instance.
pub­lished on a self-host­ed Known serv­er, using default set­tings.
run­ning on WordPress, with a cus­tomized Schism theme. And plu­g­ins, so many plu­g­ins.
TODO: (Constructed with a cus­tom blog engine.)

This site is con­nect­ed with the Fediverse and Indieweb. As long as the back­end is work­ing prop­er­ly, you can fol­low this site and send com­ments from Mastodon, Friendica, GNUSocial etc. Comments, replies and quo­ta­tions can be made to and from oth­er Indieweb-con­nect­ed sites. Site updates are pub­lished on RSS as usu­al, as well as activ­i­ty­pub, microp­ub, and JSONFeed. Fediverse inte­gra­tion has mul­ti­ple prob­lems right now.

Content of this site is pub­lished under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)cc-by-sa licence banner license, unless not­ed otherwise.

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  1. edi­tor’s note: add more buzz­words