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Privacy Policy

What is collected

All com­ments are retained indef­i­nite­ly. This is so any fol­low-up com­ments may be auto­mat­i­cal­ly approved instead of hold­ing them in a mod­er­a­tion queue.

For users reg­is­tered with any type of account on this site, any user data and pro­file pho­to entered in the user pro­file page is retained indef­i­nite­ly. Users can edit or remove any per­son­al infor­ma­tion except the username.

For users with the capa­bil­i­ty to edit or cre­ate con­tent on this site, any cre­at­ed, added or uploaded con­tent is retained until the user choos­es to remove them.

Once any user-cre­at­ed con­tent is pub­licly pub­lished, this web­site holds no lia­bil­i­ty for caching or stor­age per­formed by exter­nal vis­i­tors (such as webcrawlers). For this rea­son, it is rec­om­mend­ed to not upload any con­tent that should not be shared pub­licly, for exam­ple, pri­vate text con­tent, images with meta­da­ta con­tain­ing shoot­ing loca­tion, etc.

For received web­men­tions, ping­backs and track­backs, and for respons­es to URLs, such as respond­ing to a post or arti­cle, this site allows the stor­age of data around the post/​article in order to gen­er­ate a rich cita­tion. Items such as author name and image, sum­ma­ry of the text, embed pro­vid­ed by third-par­ty site, etc may be stored and are sole­ly used to pro­vide context.


When you vis­it this web­site, a cook­ie is cre­at­ed to main­tain your dark mode dis­play pref­er­ence. This cook­ie is sim­ply a true/​false val­ue and con­tains no per­son­al data.

If you vis­it the login page, a tem­po­rary cook­ie will be set to deter­mine if your brows­er accepts cook­ies. This cook­ie con­tains no per­son­al data and is dis­card­ed when you close your browser.

If you leave a com­ment on this site you may opt-in to sav­ing your name, email address and web­site. These are for your con­ve­nience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave anoth­er comment.

When you log in, sev­er­al cook­ies are also set up to save your login infor­ma­tion, and your pref­er­ences. If you log out of your account, the login cook­ies will be removed.

If you edit or pub­lish an arti­cle, an addi­tion­al cook­ie will be saved in your brows­er. This cook­ie includes no per­son­al data and sim­ply indi­cates the post ID of the arti­cle you just edited.

What is shared

No user data is shared with any third par­ties by default.

If you have an account on this site, and if you choose to get your pho­to type from Gravatar (this is not the default option), the email address asso­ci­at­ed with your account will be shared with gra​vatar​.com.

This site can include embed­ded con­tent (e.g. videos, images, sta­tus updates, code pre­view, etc.) from exter­nal web­sites. Embedded con­tent from oth­er web­sites behaves in the exact same way as if the vis­i­tor has vis­it­ed that oth­er website.

If a pass­word reset request is made for any user with an account on this site, the IP address from where the request was made will be con­tained in the pass­word reset mes­sage sent to user’s asso­ci­at­ed email address. This infor­ma­tion may be vis­i­ble to any mail serv­er in between this web­site and the user.

What can be removed

If you have an account on this site, or have left com­ments, you can request to receive an export­ed file of the per­son­al data about you held on this web­site’s data­base, includ­ing any data you have vol­un­tar­i­ly shared. You can also request era­sure of any per­son­al data about you held on this web­site’s database.

If your con­tent is repro­duced on this site as web­men­tions, ping­backs, trace­backs, or as con­text for response posts, you can also request era­sure of such data.

Please note this site is main­tained by a sin­gle per­son, so please allow suf­fi­cient time to han­dle data requests.